Tailored workplace adjustments to help people thrive in work

We complement manager and HR team provisions to give people access to in the moment support, enabling them to manage overwhelm, reduce anxiety, and build motivation.

Personalised support to help people thrive in work or build confidence to access work

Combining practical human support and simple digital tools our system can help people manage the day-to-day, build confidence, and reduce anxiety. Accessible 24/7 and available on-demand, it helps to maintain wellbeing and prevent escalations.

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Promote participation

We help people to self-manage difficulties, where they can, and live more independently with highly personalised support. This can give the confidence to access employment or return to work after an absence.

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Increase productivity

Expert support delivered by skilled coaches helps relieve the pressures on HR teams and line managers.  This can reduce absenteeism and presenteeism by empowering people to identify their challenges and define their own coping strategies.

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Embedded in your organisation

We manage the end-to-end implementation from scoping to outreach to impact evaluation. Training your internal teams to allow Brain in Hand to become an integral part of your employee wellbeing plan.

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Backed by research

Supported by independent clinical evidence, our system is DTAC accredited and meets the minimum needed evidence standards for research effectiveness for Tier C of NICE Standard Evidence Framework for Digital Health Technologies.  ​

The best of digital and human support

  • Keep track of everything you need with personalised routines, prompts and reminders
  • Access solutions for unexpected and overwhelming situations
  • Access a library of practical ready-made solutions for everyday challenges
  • Monitor your mood, reflect on emotions and communicate how you feel
BiH app phone screen

Supporting your wellbeing strategy

Prevention is key to enabling autistic people to thrive and promote staff retention. Our digital self-management system can help people address mental health issues before they mount into more serious health concerns.  Including Brain in Hand as a trusted adjustment in your workplace can promote a culture of psychological safety that enables people to seek support.  

Addressing the talent gap

Labour market figures show there is strong competition for talent and many organisations are facing significant skills shortages.  Harnessing the potential of a neurodivergent talent pool can bring unique skills to organisations, including creativity, innovation, and focus. Yet autistic people remain considerably disadvantaged in the job market. Providing simple preventative support can enable autistic people to excel in the workplace.

Three people on laptops and talking

Free virtual webinar: Unlocking Access to Work

The ultimate guide for employees and employers. Demystifying Access to Work with real, personal experiences from experts and applicants.

Watch on demand

Our research

Discover powerful evidence-based insights on neurodiversity with our latest research papers.

Clinical trial

Find out how Brain in Hand significantly reduces anxiety and improves quality of life.

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ROI studies

Discover how Brain in Hand reduces time off work, improves performance, and retains staff through improved mental health.

Explore now

Research paper

Read our 'Priorities, needs and support as experienced by autistic people' research paper.

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Find out how we support your wellbeing strategy

Brain in Hand can help autistic people to self-manage difficulties, reduce anxiety, and manage overwhelm. For many organisations, it is becoming a central part of their neurodiversity and wellbeing support strategy.

Woman with purple hair smiling